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Gas Supply


HDPE pipe for Gaseous Fuel Supply pipe according to ISO 1555, EN 1555, SI 71555


HDPE gas pipes are the preferred natural gas distribution piping product of choice.

High Density Polyethylene gas pipes are lightweight, non-corrosive, easy to install and transport. PE pipes have been proven reliable, durable, and have been in use for over 60 years.

Ronigas pipes are made of High-Density Polyethylene (PE100) that meet the requirements of European Standard EN 1555-1.

These materials are designed and continuously monitored with special attention to the fundamentals properties:

- Creep Rupture Strength

- Stress Crack Resistance

- Resistance to Rapid Growth Propagation

Criteria for using PE pipes for gas distribution:

- Lightweight

- Easy installation

- Flexible & available in long coils or on large drums.

- Cheap to install.

- Non-rust, non-corrosive.

- Reliable and safe joint systems (butt welding and electrofusion)

- Durable ( 50 to 100 years)

Application: Supply of gaseous fuels

MOP: SDR 11 - Maximum Operating Pressure 8 bar ( Coefficient factor = 2)

Colour: Yellowish Orange

Trademark: RoniGas

Availability: - DN 32 to 90; 50 or 100 meter coils

                    - DN 75 to 315; Straight pipes 8 or 14 meters

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